Floodplain Structure Survey Floodplain Structure Survey Name Floodplain Structure Address Mailing Address Phone Email What purpose is the floodplain structure listed above currently being used for? Full time residence Clubhouse for part time recreation Storage only (no living quarters, no plumbing, no utilities) Do not use it anymore Other If other, please describe structure Please select below which best describes your future intentions for this floodplain structure Going to remodel/make improvements* Planning to sell parcel with structure as is Demolish structure and rebuild* Demolish structure but keep parcel for recreational use* Other If other, please describe future intentions (*Items marked with an asterisk above require a floodplain development permit. If you would like to learn more about floodplain development permits please visit our website and review the Lincoln County Floodplain Ordinance under the Floodplain tab.) Do you have any questions about the Lincoln County Floodplain Ordinance? If you are human, leave this field blank.